
Secret Societies


Title : Secret Societies

Compiler : Rasheed Barbee

Pages : 179

Publisher : Authentic Statements – USA

Cover Type : Softcover / Paperback

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Secret Societies is a collection of writings from the scholars of Islam uncovering the secret underworld of the Freemasons, Illuminati & Christian missionaries, exposing their conspiracy to establish a New World Order. Their affiliates are covert, their undertakings are cryptic, and their objective is unmistakable.

Illuminati: “We will strengthen the freedom of individual thought with all the powers at our disposal, and we will declare war against the real enemy of man, which is religion.”

Missionaries: Inside one Southern university—one of three schools in the United States with a degree program exclusively devoted to Christianizing Muslims—Christian missionaries are trained to go undercover in the Muslim world and win converts for Jesus. Their stated goal: “To Wipe Out Islam.”

Colonialist: “When the missionaries came to Africa, they had the Bible and we had the land. They said, “Let us pray.” We closed our eyes; and when we opened them, we had the Bible and they had the land.”


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