
A Concise Commentary of Kitāb At-Tawhid


Title: A Concise Commentary of Kitāb At-Tawhid

Compiler: Muḥammad Ibn ‘Abdul Wahhāb (رحمه الله)

Author: Zayd Ibn Faleh Ar-Rab Ash-Shammari

Translator: Dr. Muizz Anibire

Cover: Hardcover

Pages: 224

Publisher: Dakwah Corner Bookstore, Malaysia

Price: $24.30

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Tawḥīd, the oneness of Allāh is the most essential aspect of a believer’s life. The acceptance of all actions hinges on the Tawḥīd of the individual.

This book in your hands, “Al-Mukhtaṣār Al-Mufīd ‘Alā Kitāb At-Tawḥīd” (The Concise Commentary on the Book of Tawhid), has been highly praised by the esteemed scholar Shaykh Salih al-Fawzān, who remarked, “It simplifies the understanding of the Book of Tawhīd.

This succinct yet comprehensive explanation clarifies the essence of what the author, Shaykh Muḥammad Ibn ‘Abdul Wahhāb (رحمه الله) , aimed to convey through the chapters and titles of this blessed book. It is composed to be accessible & beneficial for readers of all ages and suitable for all occasions, In Shā Allāhu


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