Trials, tribulations, afflictions, calamities are just few meanings that fall under the word ‘Fitān’ concerning which Allāh says,
“Fear the Fitnah, which affects not only those of you who do wrong (but it may afflict everybody)” (Sūrah Al-Anfāl 8:25)
& in such testing situations, if a Muslim was to let loose his thoughts without any principles and rules to base his opinions upon – his mind will wander into different directions effecting his behaviour towards his own-self, his family and society.
In this book, Shaikh Saleh aal-Shaikh has explained
* How a Muslim should THINK & BEHAVE
* How they should WEIGH & JUDGE people/banners
Which can be applied In difficult, challenging times & situations using KEY RULES which You can use in Your Daily Life.
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